Mike Healy
The U.S. Service Academy and U.S. College Ireland class reunions organizer, Mike Healy, served as a tour coordinator on the class committee for his June 2012 class reunion in Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland. With the great success of his class reunion in Killarney, Mike decided to offer the same reunion tour package to other U. S. Service Academy, university, and college alumni classes and societies. In addition to his passion for Ireland travel, Mike is a professional genealogist specializing in helping people around the world find their Irish ancestors’ origins and birthplaces in Ireland back to 1840. In providing his Irish genealogy services, Mr. Healy’s ultimate goals are to find, retrieve, and deliver to his clients their Irish ancestors’ official Irish church baptism certificates and Irish government birth certificates. A USMA 1969 graduate and a Trinity College Dublin, Ireland graduate, Mike developed his interest and passion for Irish genealogy through the study of his own Irish family history, stimulated by lengthy Healy family history conversations and discussions with his relatives in Ireland. Mike Healy is the Author/Photographer of “Irish Genealogy Tips, Techniques and Tales” , “Ireland Mosaic: A Photo Journey”, and “Pubs of Ireland” series eBooks in the following online bookstores www.amazon.com | www.bn.com | play,google.com | and the Apple iBookstore. Search Keyword: M.D. Healy.